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CLAIMS - Short Staffed or Supply Chain Ripple Effects

CLAIMS - Short Staffed or Supply Chain Ripple Effects

Staffing shortages and supply chain issues mean many auto shops are backed up. With longer repair times ahead, it's best to consider increasing your Automobile Insurance Rental Reimbursement Coverage. Longer repair times are becoming the norm, and the delays could mean your Rental Reimbursement Coverage may be exhausted before your car is ready.

If you carry Rental Reimbursement Coverage of $30 a Day, Maximum $900 per Loss, consider requesting an increase to a higher amount. The cost differential is small, and it may save you in the long run if a loss takes place. If you are not interested in a higher Limit, then be sure to use a Rental Vehicle sparingly, and don't rent until your car is in the shop for repairs if your car is drivable.

Get the most out of your rental period.